Friday, June 29, 2007


I found the neatest thing while reading my monthly O magazine. Sarah Jessica Parker has created a new clothing line (not such a shock, actually). The two really nice things about this line are:

1. It's affordable. Clothing in the 9.99 - 19.99 range is typical.
2. It's for sizes 2 - 22!

OMG! Something stylish and cool and cheap...that I can actually WEAR??? Where's my checkbook?

"It is every woman's inalienable right to have a pulled-together stylish, confident wardrobe with money left over to live. GET BITTEN." -Sarah Jessica Parker

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The clothing is being sold exclusively at Steve & Barry's.

1 comment:

Valerie Quinn said...

and the clothing is pretty stylish, i've seen it! I didn't see anything i had to have at that moment. I also really like the ads.